Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Doom part 1

 Not the game, Doom the outlook.

It's going to take amazing luck and abnormal levels of sanity to avoid cataclysmic outcomes. No, not in  weeks; it starts on June 9th, 2024.

our first Doom Point on the 9th is economic, and is covered in depth by Carnegie EIP here. It's really difficult to summarize, but...

The US is a global economic power for several reasons, but one of the biggest reasons is because US Dollars have been the de-facto means of global finance; various countries cash reserves have been held in US Dollars, exchanges between nations have been made in USD. A major reason for this stems from a deal made with Saudi Arabia in 1951 that all purchases of their oil had to be made with USD. oh, and the USD used to actually have some *tangible* value, up until President Nixon.

Our only peer in economic value, Communist China started up their OWN global unit of exchange, BRICS. and they have been persuading countries to use BRICS bucks instead of USD, for global finance. and on June 9th, Saudi Arabia is expected to stop requiring USD for Oil purchases. Russia is helping to push BRICS.

The impacts: loss of global influence, and Inflation. not your normal, everyday inflation; severe long term inflation; combined with monetary stupidity? hyperinflation (a loaf of bread for $50 or more, that sort of inflation).

Monetary stupidity? that would be something like, say, a country deciding to print up a few Trillion extra dollars. No one with even a basic grasp of economics couldn't see this causing inflation. in case you weren't aware, the ultimate value of a currency is found by taking the Total Value of a country and dividing that by the amount of its currency that is in circulation. That is it. if you double the circulating currency, you halve its value.

Got that? ok, now check out this. Interesting timing.... ARAMCO (which basically IS the Saudi oil industry) is offering 1.54 billion shares for sale this week. If hypothetically, you had a BIG pile of USD laying around and used it to buy some of these shares, when the USD inflates you'd be perfectly fine and even profitable, financially. 

I'm going to make a prediction. I predict that in a year if you examined the stock portfolios of nearly everyone involved in printing and spending those TRILLIONS of USD since 2020, you'll find huge amounts of ARAMCO stock or other assets whose value is tied to the value of ARAMCO stock.

I said Nearly everyone, yes. the handles on some of these people isn't totally financial. Sometimes it's Sex, or Drugs, or Power, or inevitably, blackmail. And I've got a Theory about how almost all of this...chaos, stupidity & self-destruction started and escalated to the present day Doom scenario. Note I said theory; I only have evidence for about 3/5ths of the events.

Unfortunately, I have to divert from the financial narrative and hop over to "Disinformation" in part 2

Doom part 1

 Not the game, Doom the outlook. It's going to take amazing luck and abnormal levels of sanity to avoid cataclysmic outcomes. No, not in...